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Arrangement structure hoop and the connecting plate bolts

2015-08-13 15:22:35 Click:122
1. The structure itself hoop

Hoop mounted on the pier when the pier must be dense paste. Since the pier can not be absolutely circular cross-section, roundness of each pier is different, even if different sections of the same pier of its roundness vary widely. Therefore, in order to adapt to a variety of roundness pier body, hoop hoop body should adopt no hoop hoop stiffening of the flexible body, which uses no steel stiffeners for hoop body. Thus, when applying a pre-tension, since the hoop itself is flexible, easy and pier dense paste. During the construction of which, in order to ensure the adhesiveness of the effect is more obvious, generally between hoop and post pad with geotextile.

2. connecting plate bolt arrangement

Hoop bolts on its pre-tension must be able to guarantee the friction between the hoop and the pier can reliably transmit the load. Therefore, there must be a sufficient number of bolts to ensure that pre-tension. If a single body from the connecting plate and hoop force to consider, on the bolt connecting plate in the vertical preferably arranged in a row. But in that case, the height of the body is bound to a larger hoop. Especially when large Beams cover bolts need more, hoop height of large hoop will increase investment, and high hoop will give construction inconvenience. Therefore, as long as the use of sufficient thickness and set the necessary connection plate stiffeners, generally on the bolts in the vertical webs arranged in two rows. This is technically feasible, practice has proved to be successful.